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Για να διατηρήσουμε τους επισκέπτες και την ομάδα μας ασφαλείς, η εταιρεία μας έχει λάβει ενισχυμένα μέτρα. Όλα τα σκάφη, οι βάσεις και το προσωπικό μας τηρούν ένα αυστηρό πρωτόκολλο υγείας COVID-19.
Ατομικά Κλινοσκεπάσματα
Τα κλινοσκεπάσματα παρέχονται σε προστατευτική συσκευασία (ένα σετ ανά επισκέπτη).
Η συσκευασία των κλινοσκεπασμάτων καθώς και ο βιομηχανικός καθαρισμός τους σε υψηλές θερμοκρασίες είναι κάποια από τα αυξημένα μέτρα που λαμβάνουμε για την αποφυγή της διάδοσης του Covid.
Μέτρα Υγείας Προσωπικού
Στις βάσεις μας και στα σκάφη της North Aegean Sailing υπάρχουν προστατευτικές μάσκες και απολυμαντικά, ενώ συμβουλεύουμε και επιτηρούμε τους επισκέπτες και συνεργάτες μας προκειμένου να ακολουθούν όσο το δυνατόν πιο πιστά τις συμβουλές των ειδικών. Κατά τη διάρκεια του check in, στο σκάφος βρίσκονται αποκλειστικά ο καπετάνιος και ο ναυλωτής (ή ένα άλλο μέρος του πληρώματος).
Όλα τα σκάφη είναι εφοδιασμένα με οξύμετρα και θερμόμετρα ώστε να θερμομετρούνται καθημερινά οι πελάτες και το πλήρωμα του σκάφους, σύμφωνα με τον νόμο κατά της εξάπλωσης του Covid στη χώρα μας.
The management and protection of the personal data of users of the www.northaegeansailing.com website are governed by the provisions of the current legislation regarding the protection of personal data, the decisions of the authority and the present terms. The North Aegean Sailing company is committed to meeting these measurements for users of our website.
The website www.northaegeansailing.com and the company North Aegean Sailing N.A.S. do NOT collect personal information of site users, except when those of which are offered willingly. The collection of personal data of website users is when they register as members or clients and their participation in free website services, promotions, new services, advertising campaigns supported by itself and by the provision of data by email.
The use of personal data is always managed carefully and in such a way as to not violate the privacy legislation.
The data that is kept in our electronic archive include forname, surname and email address. Other items that can be stored, but which are not mandatory to enter as a the customer include address, telephone number and date of birth.
In case you have to cancel your booking, the following terms apply:
It is required by the Greek Port Authorities that at least two passengers of a bareboat yacht charter are certifiably qualified to navigate sailing yachts at open seas. However, in case only one passenger qualifies as such, the Port Authority will accept a formal written statement by a second passenger, that he/she carries open-sea experience (no proof will be required).
Copies of the licenses (and skipper’s passport) must be presented via email when the yacht is booked.
The yacht is delivered with full tanks of fuels and water. Upon return, the fuels are re-filled and the cost is paid by the charterer.
Keep in mind that you are responsible for returning the yacht at the pre-agreed place and time. For possible delays, at the return of the yacht, you have to inform us immediately, because we have to prepare the yacht for the next charter.
During the yacht delivery phase (check-in), the charter company holds the right to deny the delivery of the yacht in case the charterer is deemed not experienced to master the yacht (regardless of the possession of sailing certificate). The Base Manager is authorized by the charter company to deny such charters, for the safety of the persons and the yacht. In this case, the charterer is requested to hire a skipper in order to fulfill the charter. No money return can be provided if the charterer (who cannot master the yacht by himself) does not wish to hire a skipper and wishes to cancel the charter of the yacht. Our customers are highly recommended not to charter a sailing yacht “bareboat” without adequate experience, in order to have a safe and pleasant sailing experience.
The North Aegean Sailing company is obliged to provide all the legal papers for the departure of each vessel and shall draw up the vessel lease contract before each departure. They are also required to give you the exact vessel selected when booking. Otherwise, it will be obliged to refund the total amount paid in full as compensation.
North Aegean Sailing reserves the right to change or modify any of the terms and conditions, prices list, cancellation policy, at any time and in our sole discretion. Any changes or modification will be effective immediately upon posting of the revisions on this Web page, and you waive any right you may have to receive specific notice of such changes or modifications.
Thessaloniki January 2022
Bank Name: Piraeus bank Greece
IBAN: GR38 0171 8640 0068 6414 7408 206
Bank Name: Eurobank Greece
IBAN: GR6402602570000220201557135
IBAN: LT39 3250 0231 2569 6132
Beneficiary name : Nikoleta B. Vouchara
(Please send us a copy of the transaction to [email protected])